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Top Talent Brief

The Top Talent Brief is a National Bi-weekly News offering that arms the Commercial Real Estate industry with insights, tips and strategies that will keep them on the cutting edge of how to be a top-flight real estate executive, for today and the future.


Real Estate’s Professional Associations are on a mission to attract new talent into the real estate industry. The result: CareersBuilding where experts from 27 Associations explain...


Space or Occupancy Planner is one of the new, 2018 job titles on SelectLeaders Network emerging from the tech industry into real estate this year. An incredible opportunity, it provides direct client...


Work-Life balance takes on another dimension when you try to isolate work and life on your electronic devices. A new lawsuit against a New York investment firm that purchased an additional computer...


Today more and more companies try to start the New Year with their key hires in place before January. Summer vacations are over. The school year has started. And for job seekers, HR management is at...


One of our Association Partners sounded distraught, saying I am sorry, I have to call you back. Calling back he said, “I could not hear with the noise. I will never get used to shared office...


The Boom-Bust nature of the Real Estate Industry attracted Baby Boomers, who thrived on defying risk, enticed by the challenge to build it before the cycle ends. Their children are taught at young...


What are you going to accomplish in the next 16 months? Both the New York Times’ and Wall Street Journal’s forecasts from leading economist have given us a reprieve on a downturn/recession until...


The National Park Services estimates the impact, just on businesses, of the volcanic eruption on Big Island is $13 million, so far. The wildfires in California will affect the wine industry for 3 to 5...


2018 is approaching the scale of what was described as “the greatest global economy ever” - 2007. It now takes 48.6 views of a job before today’s “Buyers’ Market Candidates” submit one...


Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor, Jeffrey Pfeffer, in an interview in the Economist pointed out 55% of employees log into their emails after 11pm (in contrast to a French law that gives...
