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  4. University of Denver, Daniels College of Business, Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management

  • Type: Private
  • Degree(s): Both


At the Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management you will learn the full life cycle of the built environment. Fill an increasingly important role as an integrated project leader. Acquire a cohesive understanding of the built environment in addition to the specific educational discipline of your choice. The faculty all have professional certifications, not just academic. Your professors and the Burns School are directly connected to significant players in the Colorado Front Range, one of the most active real estate markets and construction areas in the U.S. You will experience on-site learning by getting out of the classroom and learn real estate and the built environment from the foundation up. You will also be able to read a plan and execute. Help build two houses each year in our Construction Lab. Pitch in on the annual student-led Playhouse Project built right on the Daniels campus grounds.

Core Focus

Master of Science in Real Estate and the Built Environment
Executive Masters of Real Estate and the Built Environment
Executive Graduate Certificate in Real Estate and the Built Environment
Undergraduate: Majors and minors in Real Estate
Graduate Business Certificates in Real Estate and the Built Environment

Program Highlights

"The Real Estate and the Built Environment (REBE) undergraduate program provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on the business of the built environment. The program will prepare you for a career in real estate covering development, property management, appraisal and assessment, leasing and brokerage, project management, corporate real estate, acquisitions, finance and investment fund/asset management. Concentrations in the major include Real Estate, Property Development and Construction Management.

The Master of Real Estate and Construction Management takes a holistic approach to the business of the built environment—providing a 360-degree view of a project life cycle. Leadership skills, management training and business acumen are in high-demand. As the only Real Estate and the Built Environment program from a renowned and accredited business college, they aim to turn experienced professionals into visionary leaders."


*This information is based on the school's 2017/2018 program and may not reflect changes, updates or deletions to the programs.